Our next technical meeting will be a joint venture with ASHE Old Dominion Chapter on April 22 in the VDOT Central Office Auditorium. Registration will be through the ASHE website here. Bill Arel and Robert Ridgell will be presenting on the Fredericksburg Megaprojects on I-95. ASHE is still working on obtaining the bio and summary and setting up the registration.
Upcoming meeting: May 22 Gamal Hassan at the Westwood Club.
Meeting Recap:
Bill Arel, a megaprojects engineer, and Robert Ridgell, an area construction engineer, from VDOT’s Fredericksburg District presented the ongoing megaproject along I-95 in the Fredericksburg region. This was our first joint technical meeting with our colleagues in ASHE, and it was wonderful to interact with so many new faces and as well as enjoy a meeting at VDOT central office. The presentation showed a detailed look at the future of the I-95 corridor near Fredericksburg, which will include a split of local and thru lanes to help ease traffic as well as an extension of the I-95 express lanes. In addition, a detailed discussion on the current Southbound Rappahannock River Crossing explained the measures used to keep the river accessible to recreation including kayaking and river access. The new layout of the northbound corridor also showed the planned location for the Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing, which will have to fit between the existing I-95 bridges and the new southbound crossing. All it all it was exciting to hear of the proposed changes to I-95, understanding all of the challenges accomplished along the way. Thank you again to Bill and Robert for taking the time to share these megaprojects with our members.